Sunday, May 9, 2010

Cultural Interview and Finish Obama's Dream

For Monday's Class--Cultural Interview #2 is DUE in class--bring two extra copies. We will share and use the rubric to evaluate each other's work.

Complete your reading of Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama for Wednesday's  seminar #4--do 3 quotes and unpacking if you only did one for Seminar #3. 

BRING all of your books, articles (if you have them printed) to class this week for our work on the Big Ideas and Questions about the work/texts/conversations that we have been doing in our class.


  1. where's the link for seminar#4 form? And if I did 2 quotes in the third seminar, I only have to do 2 quotes for the fourth seminar right?

  2. You can find the form for Seminar #4 on the Seminar #3 sheet, they're combined. You only need to do 2 quotes if you did 2 last week.
